Friday, January 1, 2010

my one little word for 2010: strength

Happy New Year!  We are back home after a fun yet sick time in Wenatchee visiting family.  Zach and Roman are doing much better but I still have a bit of a cold.  **sniff**

I also have some fun news to report...I am done with my December Daily!  Which makes me happy and sad at the same time.  This is the first time I've done a project like this and I didn't just like it...I loved it.  I adored it.  It was SO much fun, I can't wait until next year.  This project helped me grow as a story teller, an artist and a scrapbooker.  I am seriously happy about this. I'll take some pictures hopefully today and have my blog post up in the next couple of days.

Now onto another Ali-inspired project - one little word.  My one little word this year is


I chose this word for a few reasons. The first one is obvious, I would like to exercise more to get stronger. A healthy mind definitely lives in a healthy body. And this body will hopefully be pregnant again in this next year.  Dealing with two kids definitely warrants more strength. Alot more strength. The second is emotional strength. Way too often I have a "poor me" attitude when things get hard and it seriously needs to stop. The third is strength with integrity. Being a strong person with my values and living them (not just talking about them).

Are you going to do this project?  If so, leave me a comment with your one little word and your reason for choosing it, I'd love to see it!

Wishing you all beauty, prosperity, love and strength in the new year!

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