Friday, February 7, 2014

Hello little miracle

One thing I've learned in the last few years is that you can't plan everything. It's actually a hard concept for someone with autism - especially if you've been a planner your entire life. When we were first married, we had a five-year plan to start a family. And everything went according to plan and our son Roman was born just before our sixth anniversary.
We had always planned to have two children. So we tried for another kiddo when Roman was about three. And....nothing happened. For years. Then I was diagnosed with celiac disease and my life changed forever. Celiac disease is an auto-immune condition that causes infertility and miscarriage. "That was it" I thought. That's my cue that we were going to be a one-child family.
We started giving our baby things away. I started going to counseling to help me deal with letting go of having a second child. I even went back on the birth control pill for even more closure.
And I got pregnant. Completely out of the blue. Without trying.
Granted at the time, we were "between" pill packs so there was an opportunity for something to happen. We were surprised but excited! Unfortunately it was short lived and I miscarried at six weeks.
I thought for sure that was it. That was my closure. We had one kiddo and it was going to stay that way. We were so, so lucky to have one amazing and beautiful child.
And then this December I found out that I was pregnant AGAIN. While we were on the pill (granted it was the mini-pill which is less effective than the regular pill). At 36 years old. And the kicker? It was a slow month for us - we were both really busy so there was a grand total of ONE time that this could've happened. And it did. Incredibly enough I was pregnant again. Holy crap.
I kept expecting something crazy to happen. "There's no way that I could have another baby right now, we didn't plan it!" kept running through my mind. But as the weeks passed and I started getting symptoms, it became very clear. I was pregnant and staying that way.
So this is our official announcement - we are having another baby! We are due August 21st. I just had my 12 week ultrasound and everything looked great. So welcome sweet little miracle. We can't wait to meet you!
Love and Craziness,
P.S. - I WILL be doing another post shortly wrapping up December Daily 2013. I couldn't say before, but I have been really sick with this pregnancy so everything has fallen to the wayside in the last two months. Thanks for your patience ;)



